Mandala rest for a while

Its like socking news when reading the online newspaper that Mandala Airways is closing for a while until uncertainly time.
Why it could happen ? Its just a aweek ago when i used this Air service for going to jogja from jakarta. Deep reading in why mandala air taking rest is in the fact that Air Service Company is in difficult situation of their Financial. In another fact that beaten in competition with another air service is making so funny.
As we know mandala is one of the 'Founder' of the commercial air service in Indonesia. So whats wrong ? Hm... how about management ? When the rising trend of Air Passenger... i'ts difficult to understand but that a business.. business is not just how to sell something but sometime how to make standing up when your business is being beaten by another thing.
Hopefully Mandala Air Ways flying again Immediately and make me Fly ;)


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